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Dear Dr Mortlock,

Just a note to say thank you again for your very professional and compassionate dealing with Cherry and with me, when unfortunately, it was time for Cherry to be put to sleep.

You may not recall but I was looking after Cherry for friends when she developed generalised swelling and a mass in her neck/ behind her esophagous that the Subiaco Vet felt was a malignancy. The difficult decision in consultation with her owners who were overseas was to put her to sleep

I have had two of my own dogs euthanized over the years, at home, and I have to say that Cherry’s passing was the most peaceful of them all. The sedation prior to her final injection, was wonderful. She did not have a moment of anxiety – she was asleep already.

It is very reassuring to know that when the time comes, one’s canine companion and friend can leave in such a gentle and stress free way. They are great friends and we love them very much, and they are in our trust to do the best we can for them in life and in death. To have a service like yours that supplies this peaceful exit, is a blessing

Thank you also for your kindness to me, and to the very nice card. I know that it is part of your job and like all jobs, in some ways it is a routine, but you did it so well, and with such genuine care . Thank you again..

All the best